This nearly made me wet my pants.

From the Gardiner Museum:

Yeah, I know this is just a kid, but this was too funny not to post.

6 responses to “This nearly made me wet my pants.

  1. I just stumbled upon your blog. LOVE it! We’re obviously kindred spirits. I run Red Pen, Inc., a grammar/humor site (, and I’m gonna put a link to your blog on my site. 🙂

  2. Gardiner or Gardner?

  3. Oh, I don’t even know if it’s from the Gardner museum — I didn’t take this picture.

    I got it from Facebook, and the caption was “Gardiner Museum,” but it didn’t say where.

    Thanks so much, grammarphile! 🙂

  4. Hello, Kate!
    I’m not going to even attempt to be completely 100% grmatically correct here. I’ve written because I think there is a bit of news that you would LOVE to learn. I am a student of the State University of New York (SUNY) at Oswego, and am taking a class taught by Prof. Michael Murphy, called “English 271-800 Practical English Grammar”, and the class was REQUIRED to go to the NPR website to listen to your interview. Kudos to you! Anyone would be extatic to learn that a part of their life is a required learning in a college classroom. Congratulations, and keep on correcting.

  5. Nicole, that is AMAZING!!!! Thank your professor for me, and give him a little chili pepper on, because that is HOT!

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