Brilliante Weblog Winners

I am lucky enough to have been awarded the Brilliante Weblog Premio 2008 by two blogs so far: first Readerville, a great blog about books and literature, and The Modern Gal, one of my favorite blogs, about life, love and all things girly.  Thanks so much, ladies!

Tradition dictates that you pass this award on to seven favorite bloggers of yours.  Here are my favorites:

  1. Crazy Days and Nights — This celebrity blog is written by an anonymous entertainment lawyer who has connections to the stars and therefore has TONS of information nobody else has.  He also releases eight blind items each week and does mass blind item reveals twice a year — if you’re even only mildly into celebrities, you MUST check the blind item reveals out!!  They are incredible!
  2. On Common Ground — I got my current job because of this blog!!  The writer, The Missus, and I became blog friends last fall.  I told my friends that this blogger had the life I wanted to have ten years from now (great job, married, living in the South End), and boom — now I work for her!  She blogs a few times a day about life, funny incidents, fashion and bikram yoga.
  3. Megorious — In this case, I knew the writer before I knew the blog, but this guy is so hilarious.  I love his writing.  He combines original writings and videos with links to politics, news and strange things.  And nothing can top his Republican Chat Room Debate.  It’s one of the most creative and funny things I’ve read in a long time.
  4. Hot Chicks With Douchebags — because there are few greater pleasures in life than laughing at Jersey guidos and the girls who love them.  I went to college in Connecticut with a LOT of guys like this.  The spiky hair, the bling, the muscle tees, the faux gang hand gestures…
  5. Serving Up Life…One Latte at a Time — I love personal blogs, especially those that chronicle people’s lives, and CelticBuffy has one of the best ones out there.  She’s a single mom and she’s incredibly honest about her feelings, which is a rarity these days.  At the same time, she keeps it totally anonymous, unlike me.
  6. Kate’s Wedding Blog — If/when I get married, it’s going to be quick, private and simple — think Vegas, courthouse or maybe a deserted beach.  That being said, I LOVE the concept of wedding planning, especially fashion and decor, and Kate has amazing style.  Sometimes I’ll see something in a store and think of her!
  7. Random Ramblings About My Crazy Life — Vanessa’s blog, to me, is the perfect representation of what the modern American woman’s blog is today.  From contests to BlogHer to recipes to wonderings, her audience always comes first.  Her entries are always written with her readers in mind.

If you’re looking for more blogs to add to your Google Reader, any of these would make a worthy addition.

7 responses to “Brilliante Weblog Winners

  1. Is it ironic that “Brilliante” is spelled incorrectly on the award itself as displayed here, on the Grammar Vandal site?

    (… and I mean without the “i” after the double “l” and not the British “e” on the end)

  2. It’s always been my dream to be featured on Hot Chicks With Douchebags.

    Some day…

  3. A sincere thank you for the award and kind words. I am honored to receive this from such a noteworthy blogger and will pass along accordingly.

  4. Wow! Thank you so much! As the daughter of a former English teacher, I get such a kick out of reading your grammar blog. As for my own blog, I simply write what I think and feel. What’s the point in putting myself out there for people to read if I’m not going to be honest?

  5. I want to let people know that Crazy Days and Nights is NOT work appropriate!!! I found that out the hard way, and just a little worried about getting in trouble for it.

  6. Renee, it is work-appropriate! He always lets you know when it’s NSFW, and the only inappropriate pictures are under Full Frontal Friday. It’s a separate link that takes you to a separate blog, and you go through several warnings to get there.

  7. Hey, Kate, thanks for the reply. The Full Frontal Fridays are what’s having me worried. They were there “full throttle” just by scrolling down the page on my computer. I’m not sure if the IT guys will notice, I’m hoping since it’s a blog, and I didn’t click on any of the links, it won’t make waves.

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