Category Archives: Olympics Hilarity

Olympics Hilarity: Vol. III

Here are the latest hilarious images from the Beijing Olympics:

Thanks for clearing that up.

Just make sure you die in this area — okay?  Please?

God, I have to stop updating this after a LONG night out in Back Bay and Beacon Hill…

Olympics Hilarity: Vol. II

I set up WordPress to post yesterday, but it didn’t work!  Weird.

Anyway, here’s round two of hilarious English blunders in Beijing:

Hey!  Crippie!  Over here!

But it wasn’t a lock.  It was a lock robster.

Would you drink your water out of this?

I wonder if they’re in the pie-making business

Olympics Hilarity: Vol. I

My mom sent me a great email forward the other day.  Titled “Is China ready for the Olympics?” and filled with hilarious pictures, these are must-see examples of language and cultural mishaps.

There are 22 pictures in total, so I’m going to post two a day until the Olympics are over, with a few extras on the final day.

Any of my friends can tell you that I’ve been worshiping Michael Phelps for the last week, so I’m thrilled to do something Olympics-oriented on the blog!

Here we go:

For when being just lovely isn’t good enough.

I kissed a squirrel; I liked it….the taste of his nutty Chapstick….

Stay tuned for more.